Teledentistry - stay safe, go remote and grow your practice

A safe practice doesn't need to mean fewer patients. We will help you go digital and go remote.

Give us a call to chat through the ways we can help you get setup to not only keep your team and patients safe, but to continue to grow as we learn to adapt to COVID-19.

A new strategy for a new normal
  • Be safe: Your team and your patients well-being has to be number one and any unnecessary risk should be avoided in planning for operations during COVID-19.
  • Go digital: Now is the time to take advantage of ways people have been accustomed to such as video calls.
  • Be first: Being first to implement a strategy to the changing times will make you first choice for patients.
  • Be innovative: Have you thought about assessing new patient leads remotely to qualify them without taking up in-practice time? Or monitoring your orthodontic patients remotely? See below for more details on how we can help.
  • Be seen: Having a strategy is one thing, but making sure the people who need your services see you and learn about what you are offering is key. We'll take care of that for you.

What remote/virtual options are there for my practice?

Remote assessments
  • New patient recruitment - online AI-based oral health screening
  • Receive patient's photos through your website or dedicated apps
  • Through AI (artificial intelligence), their photo will be analysed and produce a screening report showing all key oral health concerns
  • You and your patients can see the report so you can engage them in conversation to convert them where appropriate
  • Save chair time and improve practice scheduling efficiency - better organise, triage and book appointments
  • Options include SmileMate, Instant Dentist and a bespoke solution for your practice
Remote consultations
  • New patient conversion - 'on demand' video calls to qualify prospective patients
  • There are various options from a custom landing page to live chat on your website (see below) to solutions such as SmileSnap
  • People have become accustomed to video calls
  • More convenient for the patient
  • Make your practice time more efficient
Remote monitoring
  • Orthodontic patients can be monitored remotely with providers such as Dental Monitoring and DenToGo
  • Intraoral photos taken with a smartphone allows you to track progress remotely

Everyone has the tools but it's how you use and market them that counts. That's where we can help. This is a great opportunity to run your practice more efficiently, qualify leads before they take up chair time and stand out from your competitors.


Make your dental practice safe

Information posters and leaflets

We will help you setup your practice as a safe environment for your team and patients from front door posters to safety messages throughout the practice.

COVID-19 Posts on Google My Business

Google has made available a section in your Knowledge Panel for you to communicate with your patients and prospects which is a great way to reassure and build trust at a crucial time.

COVID-19 annoucements and updates

Another section in your Knowledge Panel where you can make prominent announcements relating to COVID-19 to make it easy for people to find.

Digital messaging

From pop-ups on your website to emails to your current patients, we will ensure you have the right tone and the technical setup needed.

Remote patient consultations

Many of your initial patient appointment could be made safer by becoming remote. We'll help you transition to a more virtual world without impacting growth.


Remote appointments and a safe environment are essential - however they are only as good as the people that know about them. Our Premier ad team will ensure you get the message out to the right people at the right time.

Lead management

It's more important now than ever, to ensure timely follow up with people interested in treatment. Our lead management, email marketing and marketing automation tool will make lost leads a thing of the past.

Staying ahead

You have a great opportunity to be a leader, a disrupter in your area, and really make a difference to the safety of your team and the safety and convenience for your patients.

Online reviews

Always important, these now have new-found pertinence. Google are now showing all reviews again and this is a key way to build trust, as well as ensuring you manage any negative reviews with extra care.

Video call your website visitors directly on your site with our multi-channel chat

We will install our multi-channel chat widget on your website, which will allow to qualify website visitors and even have a voice or video call with them live, whilst they are browsing your site.

This is the time to capture them; once someone leaves your site, your chance of converting them drop dramatically, and our video call function takes website chat to the next level. There is no better time to do this, to make a safer practice environment for you and your patients, and avoid unnecessary practice visits.

Our multi-channel chat includes (there may be an additional cost for some features such as chat bots):

  • Multi-channel chat - give your visitors the choice as to how they chat to you
  • Facebook Messenger integration - let users chat to you through their FB account if they prefer, and other social platforms
  • SMS and email - if a user has to leave half-way through a chat, continue the conversation on email or text message
  • Voice and video call - if you are chatting to someone you think is a good prospect, you can call them there and then for a live video chat, and even take control fo their screen if you want to show them something on the website
  • Audio messages - instead of typing, send a voice message to your visitors to make the experience more personable
  • Chat bots - to free up your time, use automated chat bots to qualify your visitors
  • Much much more!
Xcelerator Dental
CREATE a safe and contactless practice today

Are you ready?

Let's have a chat

If you're ready to get started again, grow your dental or specialist practice, and need someone to help you get setup with the remote and contactless options available, let's have a chat and see if we can help.

Thank you for getting in touch. We will be in touch as soon as we can to chat through how we can help to get you more patients.
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